"Connections are stories waiting to be told, stories that help us make sense of where we’ve been, where we’re going, and what matters most."

- George Stone

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About Connect Consulting

Connect Consulting provides a supportive experience for those seeking their highest potential personally and professionally.

It is generally believed that if we follow our dreams and work hard at them, we will achieve success, whether that be financial stability, happiness, or both. But too often the elusive intersection between our skills, opportunities available, and personality falls short of that potential. Connect Consulting can help facilitate the thought and action process necessary to identify and achieve your dreams.

Whether you are a high school student exploring post-secondary options, an entry-level associate looking to make a vertical career move, or an experienced professional seeking guidance on a potential career change, Connect Consulting is here to help you.

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Coaching Services

  • Personality Preference Assessment: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  • Career Interest Assessment: Strong Interest Inventory

  • Job Search and Networking Resources

  • Resume Guidance and Review

  • Job Application Letter Guidance and Review

  • Interview Preparation

  • Personal Branding

  • LinkedIn Profile Guidance and Review

  • Job Application Letter Guidance and Review

Please contact me for information about availability and to get a free quote on an individual service or a complete personalized coaching plan.

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About Jennifer

As a native of Indianapolis, I have spent my career networking throughout the business and philanthropic communities learning what levers are at play. I am certified in the MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory and hold a bachelor of science degree in public affairs management from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. I spent more than eight years in career coaching and human resources at a top university, and have helped hundreds of people evaluate their career interests, options, and execute a plan of action. I have a proven track record of helping people achieve their highest potential by leveraging their skills, personality, and connections and I hope to do the same for you.

Outside of career coaching, I love spending time with my husband, Matt, and listening to him play trumpet at local gigs. We spend our free time traveling, exploring Indianapolis on bike, watching classic films, and hosting family and friends for games and cookouts. 



Jennifer Walde
